The OCA emphasizes that the data provided on this website does not have a local reference level mooring (hydrographic zero), and the water level prediction information is informative, therefore is not being valid for navigation purposes. For the practice of any activity, the Observatory expressly recommends consulting the Brazilian Navy website for an official prediction. The data use and interpretation provided by the are the sole responsibility of the user.
Qualquer dúvida ou esclarecimentos, entre em contato conosco!
The OCA emphasizes that the data provided on this website does not have a local reference level mooring (hydrographic zero), and the water level prediction information is informative, therefore is not being valid for navigation purposes. For the practice of any activity, the Observatory expressly recommends consulting the Brazilian Navy website for an official prediction. The data use and interpretation provided by the are the sole responsibility of the user.
Any questions or clarifications, contact us.
General Provisions
By using this website and its content, the user agrees to comply with all points set out in these Terms and Conditions of Use;
The data availability by the Amazon Coastal Observatory will not incur any cost to the requesting user, who is committed to fully comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein;
When sending data or any other type of content to the Amazon Coastal Observatory team, the sending partners guarantee that they have the rights to the content and are authorized to do so under the original copyright. When made available by the, the items will be protected by the same data usage rights that apply to the Observatory;
All content displayed on the are products resulting from the application of algorithms, mathematical techniques, and scientifically proven methodologies.
Disclaimer, Attributions and Use of Trademark
Publications resulting from data made available by the Amazon Coastal Observatory must necessarily contain assignments to Observatory as the data provider;
It is the user's responsibility to include notes in materials resulting from the data made available, in a clear and adequately accessible form to any reader, which exempts the Amazon Coastal Observatory from any use and interpretation of the published information, and must contain something similar to the following statement:
“The Amazon Coastal Observatory is not responsible or necessarily has a connection with the product generated from the data provided, nor does it provide guarantees regarding the accuracy, timeliness, integrity, or reliability of the information exposed or that it will be used properly by the requesting users, so as not to infringe the rights of third parties. Therefore, the Amazon Coastal Observatory is exempt from any type of damage resulting from the inappropriate use of its data, being the sole responsibility of the requesting user.”
Under no circumstances will the Amazon Coastal Observatory be responsible for the consequences of inappropriate use of the information and materials available on this website, where the right is reserved to the user to interrupt the use if so does not agree with its content or terms of use;
The “Amazon Coastal Observatory” is a registered trademark and in the private domain, and its use is prohibited for any purpose that suggests any official status without the express permission of its Technical Team.