Amazon Coastal Observatory

Saline intrusion in the Mocajuba Estuary

Have you ever visited São Caetano de Odivelas? Did you bathe in your estuaries or go fishing? So probably you've seen the clear and limpid waters that the Mocajuba river acquires in the dry season. In a study by Gomes in 2018, it was shown how far the ocean waters enter the estuary. And the result is impressive! In the dry period, the ocean dominates the territory, and there is no detection of fresh water in the canal!

Figure 1: The salinity distribution (surface and bottom) in the Mocajuba River Estuary 

The Mocajuba estuary is approximately 30 km in length. In the dry season, its entire length has high salinity values! Ranging from 33 g/kg to approximately 20 g/kg in Lauro Sodré city. Can you believe it?

So, the next time you visit São Caetano de Odivelas, make a stop in the Mocajuba estuary, and have fun in its clear summer waters!


Gomes, Jacqueline Ellen Pinheiro. 2018. EXTENSÃO DA INTRUSÃO SALINA NO ESTUÁRIO MOCAJUBA E SUA INFLUÊNCIA NOS PARÂMETROS FÍSICO QUÍMICOS E QUALIDADE DA ÁGUA. Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (Graduação) – Faculdade de Oceanografia, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Pará.

Saline intrusion in the Mocajuba Estuary

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